Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Add Popup/Floating Ads Widget for blogger

After getting approval from Content based Advertisers (Pay per click) and driving good traffic, increasing readers but, Revenue of your blog not increasing. Dipping of Revenue if we analyze wrong placement of Ads, Selection of colors for ads display, and sizes etc makes your revenue drop down. There are so manyways to increase your blog revenue with simplebloggertricks and bloggertips. Here, BlogTariff is going to teach you about how to increase your Blog Revenue by adding Floating/Popu widget for blogger to display Ads.
Adsense is number in Content based Ads displaying (Pay per click) program. If Displays Ads in right place then definetly your income would increase gradually. Our tutorial will point you to educate how to create "Floating widget for Ads" on your blog.

What Are The Advantages For Adding "Floating Widget For Ads"

Readers concetration may dragged towards widget where Ads displayed
Quite attractive widget brings readers to click on Ads
No need work hard for adding this widget
Simple methods makes you to add this widget for your blog
You can increase your blog Revenue by means of this "Floating Ads widget"

How To Add "Floating Widget For Ads"

Sign into your blogger account
Click on "Design (Layout in the new blogger interface)
Click on "Add a Gadget" widget tab
Select "HTML/Javascript" widget
Now, copy the below code and paste in it

#btftopbar {
background: #005094 url('..');
#adsground {
margin:0 auto;
width: 160px;
border-bottom:2px #005094 solid;
border-right:2px #005094 solid;
border-left:2px #005094 solid;

#headlineatas {
border-bottom:1px #005094 solid;
border-bottom:0px blue solid;
<script type="text/javascript">
function getValue()
document.getElementById("headlineatas").style.display = 'none';
<div id="headlineatas">
<div id="btftopbar">
<img align="left" style="padding-right:2px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhDkJSpOlSymVLOAISA7_T0_pHmWPjSbaVDk2eBeAiFWpEfgneW552FO5DrllK_fAwod3KSNzWy7KLddemsjcVe6jBTfVDND8loQGXnJ8MklzaBoOuZqC3XoTDp7iz2enafqdyGw-zBLCpq/s300/blogtariff.com.png" />
<span style="color:#fff;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:black 0.1em 0.1em 0.1em">Sponsor Ads</span>
<span style="color:#fff;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:black 0.1em 0.1em 0.1em;float:right;padding-top:3px;padding-right:10px"><a href="http://www.blogtariff.com" target="_blank" onclick="getValue()">close</a></span>
<div id="adsground">
<h3>Sponsor Ads </h3>
<p align="left"><h3></h3></p>
"Ads code Here"


  • Replace "Ads code Here" with your Adsense script code and
  • If you want display 120x600 ads adjust "160px" to 120
  • By default Ads will be displayed at left sidebar, if you want to display ad on Right side then change "left:" with "Right".
  • After all successful necessary modifications "Save your Widget" and "Save the blog Template". Now its time to preview your experiment.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

50 Ways To Boost Your Google Adsense Revenue

I’m not going to talk about why adsense is best advertising program, as even posting some of the best adsense alternative, no one is clearly close to what Adsense pays us. I have been using Adsense for long and been testing and playing with Adsense, to increase my Google Adsense revenue.
Adsense offers many ways like section targeting, remove low paying ad category, ad blacklist and many other features which can be used by any adsense blogger to give a significant boost to their Adsense income.
march 2011 Adsense 550x361 50 Ways To Boost Your Google Adsense Revenue

Google Adsense revenue increment tips:

Well, here at ShoutMeLoud, we have covered many tutorials in the past to increase Adsense income by implementing some of the best practices. Here, I’m creating a list of 50 such tips, which a normal Blogger like you and me can follow to increase our Google Adsense revenue.
Though, Adsense doesn’t work the same for everyone, so my suggestion is to keep experimenting and follow the one which works the best for you. For example, many blogger suggest to use only text based ads but my suggestion is to use both Image + text ads, as many image ads pays for PPV and more over you will have more ad options to show.
  1. Strickly follow the Adsense rules
  2. Choose high paying Niche for your blog
  3. Find your Keywords
  4. Check the Keyword density you just selected
  5. Placing ads on the top of a page is good
  6. Using images and Text ads together is good
  7. Use non-standard types of ads
  8. Choose the right Adense format for your blog
  9. Use Adsense in RSS
  10. Use Adsense for search
  11. Use Adsense for feeds
  12. Use multiple ad units
  13. Change the color of your ads to match your web site Palette
  14. Use Adsense multiple Palettes
  15. Use horizontal link units (navbar, Above post)
  16. Do occasional experiments with positioning of ads
  17. Ad placement
  18. Avoid borders on the ads
  19. Turn low paying units into image only ads
  20. Promote your site with Google Adword
  21. Reduce total number of out going links on the page
  22. Create multiple ad banners
  23. Use all possible Adsense features available
  24. Choose the right ads for the content
  25. Make sure your ads are visible
  26. Use section targeting
  27. Your link units should be in hot spots where they can be seen easily by visitors
  28. Get targeted traffic
  29. Drive traffic to your blogs by SEO and backlinks.
  30. Use Adword tools to help your site
  31. Use Adsense channels to track performance
  32. Block blacklisted IP’s
  33. Avoid MFA ( made for Adsense ) sites
  34. Keep track of your ads
  35. Block low paying advertisers with Competitive Filters
  36. Don’t overblock ads
  37. Use Adsense preview tool
  38. For short article place ads on the top of the content
  39. For long articles place ads in the middle of the content as well
  40. Avoid using common blog words
  41. Do not set Google AdSense as a secondary ad option
  42. Publish fresh content
  43. Join Google Affiliate program
  44. Register on hub pages and use the same Adsense account
  45. Register on bukisa and use the same Adsense account
  46. Register on docstoc and upload files with the same Adsense account
  47. Make use of Revenue sharing sites
  48. Join Youtube Partners
  49. Get rid of public service ads
  50. Avoid titles such as sponsored ads in widgets
Well, I wish if I could update this list to 100 some day, but I believe these 50 tips are good enough to get you started to improve Adsense revenue. One thing, which I highly suggest for any new blogger who is just starting with Adsense, learn about basics of Adsense, terms like ROI, CPC and custom channels, will help you to manage and understand how adsense is performing. Also, Adsense can now be integrated with Analytics, which will help you to track which page and which keyword is performing the best for you.
If you have a tip to share for me and others, in order to boost Google Adsense revenue, I’m all ears.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

How To Make Money With Google AdSense

How To Make Money With Google AdSense

With Google AdSense is a free way that you cause for monetizing your website traffic, so you can have a profitable website, Google AdSense is going to add advertise to your website and is going to pay you a commission for the clicks that the advertises get. Commissions will vary depending and how much traffic your website have, what type of advertises Google AdSense have add to your website – it is going to depend of what type of content you are creating – and how many clicks per day the advertises have. There are different Google AdSense advertises, such as AdSense for content; it has a variety of size and shape advertises for placing in your content. AdSense for feeds, this type of advertise places a search box on your website.

AdSense for referrals; with this type of advertise you make money when you refer visitors to use Google products. Others ones are AdSense for search, AdSense for mobile content, AdSense for domains and AdSense for video. It is necessary to know that Google AdSense is not an easy or fast way to make money, because it takes time, besides you should be creating consistent content for increasing your traffic and then start seeing the profits. When you start using Google AdSense you should learn website promotion techniques for bringing more traffic to your website,you also should be able to identify what type of content bring the highest pay per click and create this type of content – so you are going to make more money.

Anyone also ought be able to look what type of message pulls folk and what parts are more applicable for the AdSense advertises. It would give your AdSense money when you have achieved milestone above $100.00, so that is a nice dot to know because Google will not pay if you earn $99.00, it has to be $100.00 or more. For that reason you should be patient once you start using Google AdSense, it can be a really good way to make money but it is going to take time to get the amount you want to. Some tips that we can give you are to learn SEOtechniques for knowing how to choose the correct niche, how to place ads in correct places, how to optimize your ads, etc., all that can help you to get more benefits.

There are a lot of people looking for a way to make money on internet, Google AdSense is one of them, it is real and is profitable, is easy to use and whatever webmaster can have it in his/her website, but you have to be persistent, you have to be able to learn, you have to be able to study different techniques for seeing which one fits with your lever of expertise, depending how fast you can learn the several techniques, you will be able to make more money with Google AdSense, you also need to know Google AdSense rules for your website do not be banned, so you do not lose the money that you could consistent earn, remember that the content is really important for getting relevant traffic that clicks the advertises in your website, practicing that more and more is going to help you to be an AdSense expert andmake more money. 
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A Massive List of 5000+ Commentluv Enabled + Do-follow High PR Blog & DA List - Updated

DoFollow and CommentLuv Blogs List

Everyone want high PR blogs or DoFollow blogs but there is no shortcut to find out those blogs but now I gathered the plenty list of DoFollow blogs which is so fruitful for us and definitely useful also, I know searching DoFollow blogs is tough task for everyone so here You will get over 5000+ DoFollow blogs (with CommentLuv) in order from highest page rank. My team will keep adding new blog here whenever I and my team find any so you might want to keep viewing back from now and then.

My team and I have been searching for High quality and well maintain blogs to get huge traffic and link juice. We all know that since Google update their algorithm Panda andPenguin, we can’t get even one link from banned or penalized websites.

But question still same place “where to and how to earn quality backlinks”. The reply is not simple and easy, even I think that every backlink we create a hokey and Google know that. Anyhow what we can do is al least ignore the spamming or bad sites and try to get relevant backlinks from authentic website/blogs. Thanks to comment luv developers who give me a great plug-in that enable visitor to get some advantage by commenting on others blogs

Indeed, mostly comment luv blogs are authentic and real and they maintain their blog regularly. If you use then you will get huge traffic and link juice also. I spend more than 5 months to produce this list which has more 5000 DoFollow blogs which are really excellent for SEO, branding and traffic benefits.There is one problem is this I can’t maintain the list by PR, DA etc..

DoFollow Blog List (updated 30 June 2013)

  1. http://businessfinancemag.com
  2. http://kikolani.com/
  3. http://blog.buzzoodle.com/
  4. http://www.techbuzzpro.com/
  5. http://www.problogger.net/
  6. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  7. http://www.blogtyrant.com/
  8. http://www.expensespro.com/
  9. http://bloggerjet.com
  10. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  11. http://www.mywpexpert.com/blog/
  12. http://www.seommotips.com/
  13. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  14. http://www.replaceyoursalary.com/work-from-home-blog/
  15. http://www.seobythesea.com/
  16. http://www.authorland.net/
  17. http://freebloghelp.com/
  18. http://bestbloggingtipsonline.com
  19. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  20. http://basicblogtips.com
  21. http://just-ask-kim.com
  22. http://weblogbetter.com/
  23. http://jamesdebono.com/
  24. http://www.techbuzzpro.com/
  25. http://www.webuildyourblog.com
  26. http://www.blogengage.com/
  27. http://ian-belanger.com/
  28. http://www.netchunks.com/
  29. http://www.techtricksworld.com/
  30. http://www.expensespro.com/
  31. http://nickstraffictricks.com
  32. http://2012onwards.com/
  33. http://web-design-sussex-seo.co.uk/welcome-to-the-sussex-seo-blog/
  34. http://softwarebuzzer.com
  35. http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/
  36. http://www.stephanmiller.com/
  37. http://inspiretothrive.com/
  38. http://marketing-blog.catalystemarketing.com
  39. http://smallusbflashdrive.com/
  40. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  41. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  42. http://hellboundbloggers.com/
  43. http://blog.iia.ie/
  44. http://remarkablogger.com/blog/
  45. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  46. http://www.blognetworking101.com/
  47. http://jamesdebono.com
  48. http://growwithstacy.com
  49. http://ian-belanger.com/
  50. http://blog.iia.ie/
  51. http://letsbuildwebsites.com
  52. http://www.freemakemoneyadvice.com/
  53. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  54. http://bloggingwithoutablog.com
  55. http://hellboundbloggers.com/
  56. http://w3blog.dk
  57. http://mashable.com
  58. http://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com
  59. http://www.stephanmiller.com/
  60. http://www.doitwithwp.com
  61. http://businessinfoguide.com/
  62. http://www.techbuzzpro.com/
  63. http://www.probloggingsuccess.com
  64. http://www.authorland.net/
  65. http://venpop.com/category/blog/
  66. http://blumenthals.com/blog/
  67. http://articles.businessinsider.com
  68. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  69. http://selfmademinds.com/
  70. http://tips4pc.com
  71. http://passivepanda.com/
  72. http://www.expensespro.com/
  73. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  74. http://www.netchunks.com/
  75. http://mywebgal.com/
  76. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  77. http://technicallyeasy.net/
  78. http://www.quickblogtips.com/
  79. http://dmiracle.com/
  80. http://sem-group.net
  81. http://www.itscolumn.com/
  82. http://www.happysteps.net/
  83. http://www.topfinanceblog.com/
  84. http://www.logallot.com/
  85. http://www.imjustsharing.com/
  86. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  87. http://sociableboost.com/
  88. http://unbounce.com/blog/
  89. http://www.ramblingsofawahm.com/
  90. http://tentblogger.com/
  91. http://enlightenednetworker.com/
  92. http://www.thehappyseeker.com/
  93. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/
  94. http://www.expensespro.com/
  95. http://www.affordable-internet-marketing.com/
  96. http://www.authorland.net/
  97. http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/
  98. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  99. http://cashwithatrueconscience.com/
  100. http://www.smartbloggerz.com/
  101. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  102. http://www.johnpaulaguiar.com/
  103. http://www.wonderoftech.com
  104. http://www.wprecipes.com/
  105. http://blondish.net/
  106. http://bloggingwithoutablog.com/
  107. http://www.iblogzone.com
  108. http://technicallyeasy.net
  109. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  110. http://weblogtoolscollection.com
  111. http://remarkablogger.com/
  112. http://www.affiliatetreasurechest.com
  113. http://www.techbuzzpro.com/
  114. http://www.thehappyseeker.com/
  115. http://www.rajtilak.net/
  116. http://www.lawmacs.com/
  117. http://myblog2day.com/
  118. http://sharisax.com/
  119. http://hypertransitory.com/
  120. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  121. http://wassupblog.com
  122. http://thenextgoal.com/
  123. http://www.seomkt.com/
  124. http://2012onwards.com/
  125. http://www.bluehatseo.com/
  126. http://www.expensespro.com/
  127. http://www.lawmacs.com/
  128. http://www.profitablenetworker.com
  129. http://online-social-networking.com/
  130. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  131. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  132. http://lindagraceonline.com/
  133. http://www.home-business-team.com/blog/
  134. http://www.bizchickblogs.com/
  135. http://www.techbuzzpro.com/
  136. http://www.punny.org
  137. http://accountantsalaryinfo.com/
  138. http://www.applematters.com/
  139. http://blogs.liverpoolecho.co.uk/
  140. http://pepperrific.com/
  141. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  142. http://schlitt.info/
  143. http://www.andymatthews.net
  144. http://emoneymarketing.com/
  145. http://www.bluehatseo.com/
  146. http://win-with-1.com/
  147. http://adsenseurdu.com/
  148. http://www.fromshoppingtosaving.com/
  149. http://buildyourblog.net/
  150. http://www.authorland.net/
  151. http://freakify.com/
  152. http://wpmu.org
  153. http://technicallyeasy.net/
  154. http://www.hikingtipsblog.com/
  155. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  156. http://www.charitywalksblog.com
  157. http://www.creativeramblings.com/
  158. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  159. http://level343.com
  160. http://contentmarketingup.com/
  161. http://www.omsh.com/
  162. http://www.localbusinesscoachonline.com/coachnotes
  163. http://fandbfood.com/
  164. http://www.inspiredgiftgiving.com/
  165. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  166. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  167. http://www.expensespro.com/
  168. http://www.boomercafe.com/
  169. http://blondish.net
  170. http://www.traditional-foods.com/ http://hollyfulfordjef.com/ http://www.inspiredgiftgiving.com/
  171. http://bloggingwithoutablog.com/
  172. http://eldridgedufauchard.com/
  173. http://actasifblog.com/
  174. http://letsbuildwebsites.com/
  175. http://www.twistimage.com/blog/
  176. http://www.famousbloggers.net/
  177. http://haacked.com/
  178. http://www.theworkingbee.com/
  179. http://www.commonsensemarketing.net/
  180. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  181. http://jupiterjimsmarketingteam.com/
  182. http://nikkistephens.com/blogging/my-seven-link-challenge-whats-your-opinion/
  183. http://tim-bonner.com/
  184. http://christinebrady.com/
  185. http://www.nicoleonthenet.com/
  186. http://www.probloggertips.com/
  187. http://pixelheadonline.com/blog/
  188. http://www.howtowakeupearly.com/
  189. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  190. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  191. http://pepperrific.com/
  192. http://www.johnmossmarketing.com/
  193. http://www.makemoneyinlife.com/
  194. http://www.techwork.dk/
  195. http://blazingminds.co.uk/
  196. http://growmap.com
  197. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  198. http://www.attractionmarketingonline.com/
  199. http://gradmoneymatters.com/
  200. http://jefffaldalen.com
  201. http://juhotunkelo.com/
  202. http://www.sweetsfoods.com/
  203. http://visionarynetworkmarketing.com/
  204. http://www.vancesova.com
  205. http://www.marketing101pro.com/
  206. http://mojomedialabs.com
  207. http://www.themediamix.com/blog
  208. http://mindmulch.net/b2b-sales/
  209. http://www.techinitio.com/
  210. http://hopp2it.com/
  211. http://www.bitdoze.com/
  212. http://blumenthals.com/blog/
  213. http://www.guideandnews.com/
  214. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  215. http://barry-wells.com/
  216. http://www.allthingspondered.com/
  217. http://www.getvisiblevirtually.com/
  218. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  219. http://www.socialwebcafe.com/
  220. http://www.techbuzzpro.com/
  221. http://janbierens.com/
  222. http://www.leavingworkbehind.com/
  223. http://www.expensespro.com/
  224. http://adriennesmith.net/
  225. http://moonpreneur.net/
  226. http://www.monsterpiggybank.com
  227. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  228. http://www.thebadblogger.com
  229. http://www.thetechnomag.com/
  230. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  231. http://www.webmaster-success.com/
  232. http://andynathan.net/
  233. http://www.techsling.com
  234. http://wdremix.net/
  235. http://blog.2createawebsite.com/
  236. http://ariherzog.com
  237. http://wassupblog.com/
  238. http://www.waynejohn.com/
  239. http://blog.straightnorth.com/
  240. http://nicusor.com/
  241. http://www.blueverse.com/
  242. http://blogchef.net/
  243. http://www.techgeeze.com/
  244. http://www.jhsiess.com/
  245. http://www.missnexus.com/
  246. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  247. http://www.zigpress.com/
  248. http://www.joebartender.com/
  249. http://uppergreenside.org/blog/
  250. http://www.authorland.net/
  251. http://cinnamonthoughts.org/
  252. http://steverenner.com/
  253. http://www.rebeccawalker.com/blog/
  254. http://www.canadienseneurope.org/
  255. http://kid666.com/
  256. http://www.barrywise.com/
  257. http://www.wordpressmax.com/
  258. http://www.techjaws.com/
  259. http://www.lifeintherough.com/
  260. http://www.destinationdiary.org/
  261. http://blog.waxmarketing.com/
  262. http://nthambazale.com/
  263. http://www.smallbusinessbranding.com/
  264. http://thereasoner.com/
  265. http://dougchampigny.com/
  266. http://www.travelbuzzpro.com/
  267. http://eartheasy.com/blog/
  268. http://www.beinghealthylifestyle.com/
  269. http://socialtimes.com/
  270. http://www.thevirtualhandshake.com/blog/
  271. http://www.postfever.com/
  272. http://www.bloggersjournal.com/
  273. http://sparkwiz.com/
  274. http://techmemore.com/
  275. http://www.mybloggerlab.com/
  276. http://www.methods2earn.com/
  277. http://www.itoole.com/
  278. http://bloggersmarket.com/
  279. http://seoyourblog.com/
  280. http://www.geekblogtips.com/
  281. http://techmites.com/
  282. http://www.itechcode.com/
  283. http://www.dailyfitnessbuzz.com/
  284. http://www.exeideas.com/
  285. http://www.techiemania.com/
  286. http://www.expensespro.com/
  287. http://dailytechposts.com/
  288. http://www.techlila.com/
  289. http://www.bloggodown.com/
  290. http://www.windowstalk.org/
  291. http://nicusor.com/
  292. http://www.blueverse.com/
  293. http://blogchef.net/
  294. http://www.techgeeze.com/
  295. http://www.jhsiess.com/
  296. http://www.missnexus.com/
  297. http://www.zigpress.com/
  298. http://www.joebartender.com/
  299. http://uppergreenside.org/blog/
  300. http://cinnamonthoughts.org/
  301. http://steverenner.com/
  302. http://www.rebeccawalker.com/blog/ http://www.canadienseneurope.org/ http://kid666.com/
  303. http://www.barrywise.com/
  304. http://www.wordpressmax.com/
  305. http://www.techjaws.com/
  306. http://www.lifeintherough.com/
  307. http://blog.waxmarketing.com/
  308. http://nthambazale.com/
  309. http://www.smallbusinessbranding.com/
  310. http://thereasoner.com/
  311. http://dougchampigny.com/
  312. http://eartheasy.com/blog/
  313. http://socialtimes.com/
  314. http://www.thevirtualhandshake.com/blog/
  315. http://www.postfever.com/
  316. http://www.bloggersjournal.com/
  317. http://sparkwiz.com/
  318. http://techmemore.com/
  319. http://www.mybloggerlab.com/
  320. http://www.methods2earn.com/
  321. http://www.itoole.com/
  322. http://bloggersmarket.com/
  323. http://seoyourblog.com/
  324. http://www.geekblogtips.com/
  325. http://techmites.com/
  326. http://www.itechcode.com/
  327. http://www.exeideas.com/
  328. http://www.techiemania.com/
  329. http://dailytechposts.com/
  330. http://www.techlila.com/
  331. http://www.bloggodown.com/
  332. http://www.windowstalk.org/
Some More Do Follow Blogs To Download

Google Page Rank 6 Commentluv Enabled Blogs — Commenting on high page

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/view/?jj8qaiabs1zpzne (Click to Download)
  2. Google Page Rank 5 Commentluv Enabled Blogs http://www.mediafire.com/view/?pgq1mwt1dadi1pp (Click to Download)
  3. Google Page Rank 4 Commentluv Enabled Blogs http://www.mediafire.com/view/?51qo3gcss4twqss (Click to Download)
  4. Google Page rank 3 Commentluv Enabled blogs http://www.mediafire.com/view/?xu8ud59u67unwco (Click to Download)
  5. Google Page Rank 2 Commentluv Enabled Blogs http://www.mediafire.com/view/?q22o1yk98i61k7l(Click to Download)

External Links to get more than 1000 Do Follow Blog List

  1. http://www.etechadvice.com/2012/10/list-of-300-high-pr-dofollow-blogs-with.html#.UO_4QG8iGjc
  2. http://www.itechcode.com/2012/01/29/list-of-commentluv-enabled-blogs-for-2012/
  3. http://www.trafficgenerationcafe.com/commentluv-enabled/2/
  4. http://www.jamienorthrup.com/over-100-commentluv-blogs-to-comment-on/
  5. http://www.the-area51.com/2012/02/list-of-40-high-pr-do-follow-blogs-with.html
  6. http://www.exclusivebloggers.com/exclusive-list-of-commentluv-enabled-blogs-for-2012/
  7. http://www.exceptionalblogger.com/50-commentluv-enabled-blogs-list-2012.html
  8. http://www.itcse.com/2012/08/easy-backlinks-top-50-commentluv-enabled-blogs/
  9. http://www.2startblog.com/2012/05/massive-commentluv-enabled-blogs-list-june-2012-niche-blogging.html 
  10. http://www.saifullahbutt.com/commentluv-enabled-blogs/
  11. http://keywordluv.com/2012/04/commentluv-blogs-high-pr-list/
  12. http://basicblogtips.com/commentluv-blog-lists.html
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Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Best Free & Premium Keyword Research Tools

Not a fan of Google’s new Keyword Planner? Here are some alternative keyword research tools you can try today.

One of the top keyword research tools – Google AdWords Keyword Tool – has undergone a drastic renovation, now known as Google AdWords Keyword Planner. And the general consensus seems to be that this was not the best of all ideas. If you aren’t a fan of the new Google keyword tool, then here are some good alternatives to try out. None are a replacement for GAKT, but they can help ease the pain of the loss.

Moz Keyword Analysis (paid)

Moz’s Keyword Analysis Tool allows you to enter up to 20 keywords to see their difficulty, average monthly search volume, and the top 10 websites ranking for them. This tool is a part of Moz’s premium membership that starts at $99 per month with a free 30 day trial.

Raven Tools Research Central (paid)

Raven Tool’s Research Central allows you to complete in-depth SEO keyword and domain research with data from SEOMoz, Majestic SEO and OpenCalais in one place. This tool is a part of Raven Tool’s premium membership that starts at $99 per month with a free 30 day trial.

Advanced Web Ranking (paid)

Advanced Web Ranking’s keyword research tool brings data from Google AdWords, Google Webmaster API, Google Trends, Google Suggest, 7Search, SEMRush, Wordtracker, and Yahoo API Related Keyword Search together in one place. Basic keyword research functionality is available with plans starting at $99 for a lifetime license. Advanced keyword research functionality is available with plans starting at $399 for a lifetime license.

Keyword Spy (paid)

Keyword Spy is a keyword research tool that helps you research your competition’s organic, paid search, and affiliate keywords. Pricing starts at $89.95 per month.

Wordpot (free)

Wordpot is a free keyword research tool that will give you keyword ideas along with daily search volume. The trade off for it being a free tool is that it says the current index of keywords was last compiled in 2011.

Keyword Discovery (free & paid)

Keyword Discovery is a tool that will give thousands of keyword ideas based on the search term you enter. You can use it for free for up to 50 searches to get keyword ideas, or sign up for the premium plans starting at $69.95 per month for additional keyword analysis features.

SEO Book Keyword Tool (free)

SEO Book’s Keyword Tool offers suggested daily search volumes, price estimates from Google AdWords, links to other keyword tools (Google Trends, Suggest, Synonyms, etc.), links to vertical databases, and is powered by Wordtracker’s keyword tool.

Wordtracker (paid)

Wordtracker helps you find high-performing, profitable, keywords for your business. They separate themselves from other tools by helping you find the keywords that your customers are searching when they are ready to buy. Pricing starts at $69 per month.

Bing Keyword Research (free)

Bing’s Keyword Research Tool helps you discover keywords people are searching for on Bing with up to six months of historical search data instead of averages. It is a part of Bing Webmaster Tools.

WordStream (free)

WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool has over a trillion keywords in their database and helps you identify the most profitable long-tail keywords for your business.

SEMrush (paid)

SEMrush helps you discover your competitor’s organic and paid keywords in search. You can search by your competitor’s domain or search for competitors using specific keywords. Pricing starts at $69.95 per month, or you can access it for one month for $79.95.

Keyword Eye (paid)

Keyword Eye is a tool that lets you visualize your competitor’s organic and paid search terms. It also includes the ability to connect to Google Analytics to discover additional keyword opportunities as well as monitor incoming anchor link text. Pricing is £9.99 per month.

Long Tail Pro (paid)

Long Tail Pro helps you research keywords to find profitable niches. It includes the ability to discover domains based on keyword search results. Pricing is $97 for a lifetime license with the option to add an additional $17 per month for extended features.

Suggestions (free)

Ok, these aren’t specifically keyword research tools, but they can help with the keyword idea generation process. You can use just about any search engine to get ideas based on typing in just a word or two. For example, on Google…
As you can see, you can go beyond search engines and utilize a lot of different sources for keyword research, including social and personal networks.
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