Monday, October 14, 2013

Basic Off Page Seo Techniques

Off Page Seo
Off Page SEO is as important as on page seo, Off-Page SEO can be explained as the optimization outside your blog. Off Page SEO can help you quickly index your new post in search engines or improve traffic to your blog. Today I will tell you some basic and very important Off Page SEO  techniques.

1. Submiting your post to search engines:

This a very basic step in Off Page SEO, You need to submit your posts to popular search engines like Google, BING etc. Just
goto Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools and submit your sitemap, sitemap will help these search engines , index your blog posts automatically in future too .

2. Blog commenting:

Blog commenting plays a vital role in driving good traffic to any blog. You need to comment about your new blog post in different popular blogs. Commenting will help you in driving traffic and improving backlinks. 

TIP: Try to comment on blogs having commentluv or disqus, because you get the link of your latest post directly there, providing you a quick backlink.

3. Link exchange:

This is also an important factor that in Off Page SEO. Link exchanging with other popular blogs, will provide huge traffic to your new blog. 

4. Social bookmarking:

This is also a very important factor and it can drive you tons of traffic.So go for best social bookmarking sites, I love  STUMBLEUPON for this, its really good, my 2nd favorite is PINTREST, and then facebook, twitter and google+ etc. Social bookmarking site are the easiest method to drive traffic to your new post.

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