The low cost iPhone 5s will be released in July,as rumors said.Brian White ,a Topeka Capital markets analyst said that a low-cost and revamped iPhone 5s will arrive in July. White said that:
A lower-cost Apple iPhone 5s will be announced in June and will be shipped in the month of July.He also added that,during China trade show he interacted with many vendors and with various suppliers including those working for Apple.
The big thing that Apple lovers and tech geeks expecting from upcoming iPhone 5s is the fingerprint technology. The low-cost iPhone 5s will be thicker than the iPhone 5. Price details of upcoming iPhone 5s are not yet revealed but experts having a keen eye on Apple products has said that the low end iPhone 5s price will not be less than $400. Picture below will clear your confusion about the difference in iPhone5 and iPhone 5s:
In the above picture you can clearly see that iPhone 5s or maybe the iPhone 6 is smaller in size than iPhone 5s but thicker in width. Another picture that leaked today shows that Apple’s upcoming iphone 5s or iPhone 6 will be shipped Worldwide in different colors. Here is the picture:
This image shows that iPhone in different colors. Apple can use plastic shells for their upcoming iPhone,so that they will be available at a low cost in markets of different Asian and other continents countries where demand for cheap smartphones is very high.
More images leaked of the upcoming iPhone shows A7 chip fitted on it. Moreover some has reported that iPhone 5s will have a 8.2mm thick plastic body while iPhone 5 has a 7.6mm body.
Officials from Apple are still silent and they haven’t told anything about the upcoming iPhone 5s or iPhone 6. You have to wait until the official statement comes from Apple about these rumors.
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